Evaluation of Signaling Pathways under Natural Environments

an EU-funded international consortium








October 2015

Our first Project Meeting was held in Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) during the IPMB Congress.

We mostly discussed the secondments' schedule, and outlined the main scientific activities for 2016.

In the picture, from left to right:

Marcelo Yanovsky, Javier Botto, David Alabadí, Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Christian Fankhauser, Pablo Cerdán, Jorge Casal and Miguel Blázquez

May 2016                                                                  [poster]

PhD School on Environmental Regulation of Plant Development

Valencia (Spain), on May 17-19, 2016, at Colegio Rector Peset.

Topics covered: Temperature sensing, shade responses, tropisms, flowering, circadian clocks, oxygen perception, nutrient availability, proteomic approaches, hormone signaling...

Teachers: all PIs in SIGNAT, plus Michael Neff (Washington State University, USA)

Group picture including students and teachers

December 2017                                                         [poster]

SIGNAT Workshop on Environmental Regulation of Plant Development

Santiago de Chile, on Nov 30-Dec 2, 2017.

Speakers: all PIs in SIGNAT plus

     Malcolm Bennett (U of Nottingham, UK)

     Fabrice Roux (U de Toulouse, France)

     Claus Schwechheimer (Technische U München, Germany)

     Karen Halliday (U of Edinburgh, UK)

     Anthony Bishopp (U of Nottingham, UK)

     Lorena Norambuena (U de Chile)

In the picture, a few of the attendees and speakers, on the last day of the meeting

May 2018                                                       

Expociencia, Universidad de Valencia

Valencia, on May 26, 2018.

Members of SIGNAT at IBMCP explained to children how plants perceive light and temperature and respond to these signals.

In the picture, IBMCP volunteers that organized the Plant Biology booth