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Cassava is one of the major food sources, especially in subsaharan Africa. In our group we are identifying genes and processes involved in the specification of storage root cell types. Read more here about the involvement of a class-III HD-ZIP transcription factor that we have found.

Posted on December 12th, 2023

Identification of MeC3HDZ1/MeCNA as a potential regulator of cassava storage root development

Xylem formation relies of precise translational regulation of certain transcripts by thermospermine. Here we describe an easy quantitative method to measure translational efficiency.

Posted on December 13th, 2023

Quantification of xylem-specific thermospermine-dependent translation of SACL transcripts with dual luciferase reporter system

Our postdoc Victoria Gastaldi has just been awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship to extend her stay in the lab. Congratulations, and good luck!!

Posted on February 15th, 2024

Horizon Europe-MSCA-PF "DELLAsFixGenome"

Congratulations, Yaiza! A new PhD achieved in our group. Thanks also to the Committee members: Elena Baena, Cristina Martínez and Javier Brumós.

Posted on March 4th, 2024

Characterization of URI1 in Arabidopsis thaliana and its role in stress responses

Gene transcription requires the concerted action of several protein complexes that facilitate the progression of RNA pol II. We have found that the Paf1 complex influences nucleosome accessibility through monoubiquitination of histone 2B.

Posted on January 31st, 2024

The plant POLYMERASE-ASSOCIATED FACTOR1 complex links transcription and H2B monoubiquitination genome wide

The study of hormone action requires the development of biosensors that allow fast and quantitative analysis of hormone levels. Here we describe new gibberellin biosensors that work well in plant protoplasts, in collaboration with Matías Zurbriggen (CEPLAS, Germany).

Posted on April 5th, 2024

Ratiometric gibberellin biosensors for the analysis of signaling dynamics and metabolism in plant protoplasts

Gibberellins regulate transcription through DELLA proteins. Here we show that one of the mechanisms relies on the ability of DELLAs to stabilize trancriptional complexes via their interaction with Mediator.

Posted on May 6th, 2024

DELLA proteins recruit the Mediator complex subunit MED15 to coactivate transcription in land plants



XVII Spanish Plant Biology Meeting - Castellón



Department Seminar

Alabadi Lab

Our lab takes part on the Spanish network "EvoDevo SigNet". The kick-off meeting has taken place in Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid) on April 11-12th.

Posted on April 12th, 2024

Spanish Network on the "Evolution of regulatory mechanisms in development and plant signaling"

SUMOylation is a critical modification that modulates the activity of proteins in all eukaryotes. In collaboration with Ari Sadanandom's group we have connected here the evolution of the SUMO system with developmental innovations in plants.

Posted on June 26th, 2024

Charting the evolutionary path of the SUMO modification system in plants reveals molecular hardwiring of development to stress adaptation

Bruno will speak about

"Multisensory integration of light and temperature integration in plants"

XVII Reunión de Biología Molecular de Plantas - Castellón de la Plana

A large representation of the lab has attended this year's Spanish Plant Molecular Biology Meeting in Castellón. We presented several posters, and Bruno's was selected for a short talk.

Posted on July 5th, 2024

XVII Reunión de Biología Molecular de Plantas - Castellón de la Plana

Our lab received the prize to the best scientific image in the XVII Spanish Meeting of Plant Molecular Biology. The image of RGA protein accumulation at the shoot apical meristem was taken by Antonio and artistically rendered by Mª Eugenia Blázquez.

Posted on July 10th, 2024

GIGANTEA adjusts the response to shade at dusk by directly impinging on PIF7 function

Plants respond differently to neighbour-imposed shade depending on the time of the day. We have now found a mechanism that explains this interaction between the circadian clock and the components of the shade response. Find here the details.

Posted on July 16th, 2024

Former members of the Plasticity Lab

The Vascular Development and TranslaTOM teams leave the umbrella of the Plasticity Lab. Find more info on their specific activities in their corresponding websites. We will still partner in several research projects.

Posted on July 31st, 2024

-- Summer break --



2024 Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants - Banyuls-sur-mer (France)

David will speak about

"A cochaperone complex mediates high temperature-induced co-translational mRNA decay in Arabidopsis"



Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting


Light and temperature signals are integrated through a phyB-dependent gene regulatory network in rice

Arabidopsis phytochromes act as photoreceptors and thermosensors. They are the integral component of a small gene circuit that integrates light and temperature signals. In collaboration with Nelson Saibo's Lab in Lisbon, here we show that this integratory circuit is conserved in monocots too.

Posted on October 6th, 2024

News Archive

Shade-induced ROS/NO reinforce COP1-mediated diffuse growth

It had been predicted that the lower photosynthetic activity under shade would generate lower levels of Reactive Oxygen Species. However we have found the opposite! Together with the Casal Lab, we propose that these ROS molecules help the plant adapt their growth under shade.

Posted on September 23rd, 2024

Department Seminar

Marian will tell us about her new PID grant





Lab Meeting

Carlos Mtnez



Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting




Lab Meeting

Ana Marques

Invited Seminar at the Meeting of the UK Genetics Society

Bruno will speak about:

"Evolution of multisensory integration in plants"



Several members of our lab have participated in the European Researchers' Night, explaining how plants interact with the environment and how they "measure" light and temperature. See more pictures here.

Posted on September 27th, 2024

Nit Europea de la Investigació



Lab Meeting
