A genetic approach reveals different modes of action of prefoldins

Finally a systematic analysis of plant prefoldin functions: a sextuple prefoldin mutant is still viable. Here we describe how certain prefoldin functions require the full complex, and some do not.

Posted on July 24th, 2021

Coordination between growth and stress responses by DELLA in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha

We propose that the role of DELLA in the coordination of growth and stress responses predates the emergence of gibberellin signaling. Here we describe the functions of DELLA in a bryophyte.

Posted on July 1st, 2021

Check out here a description of some of the research lines in our lab, in plain language, thanks to the dissemination effort of Alejandro Rodríguez, a UPV Biotechnology student

Posted on November 4th, 2022

Wall of Science - Chapter 2

We welcome Yuliia Maklyuk and Yaroslav Ivanovych, two new postdocs from Ukraine, funded by Universitat Politècnica de València and Generalitat Valenciana.

Posted on November 27th, 2022

UPV with Ukraine

DELLA proteins regulate spore germination and reproductive development in Physcomitrium patens

Ever wondered about the functions of DELLA in moss? What is conserved and what not? You can now get all the answers here, thanks to our collaboration with Juliet Coates (U of Birmingham, UK) and Stefan Rensing (U of Freiburg, Germany).

Posted on January 22nd, 2023

A new collaborative work with Javier Botto's lab (IFEVA, U Buenos Aires) to decipher new interactions in the regulation of shade avoidance in plants. You can read the details here.

Posted on February 4th, 2023

PICLN modulates alternative splicing and light/temperature responses in plants

BBX24 interacts with JAZ3 to promote growth by reducing DELLA activity in shade avoidance

Plants adapt to functuating temperatures in part through promoting alternative splicing. In collaboration with Marcelo Yanovsky's lab (Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires, Argentina), we have found part of the mechanism. Read more here.

Posted on January 31st, 2023

DELLA proteins modulate the activity of dozens of transcription factors through direct physical interaction. Here we show that this molecular ability is conserved in all land plants, but in different lineages the ultimate functions are different (free access here).

Posted on March 13th, 2023

DELLA functions evolved by rewiring of associated transcriptional networks

Spatial regulation of thermomorphogenesis in plants

We start SPATHERM, a joint effort to study organ- and cell-type specific temperature responses in plants, funded by the PROMETEO program of Generalitat Valenciana. The team includes Maite Sanmartín, Cristina Úrbez, José León, Javier Agustí, David Alabadí and Miguel Blázquez, all at IBMCP.

Posted on July 1st, 2023

Plant hormones very often exert different functions in different organs, tissues or cell types. Here we review the basic mechanisms by which this spatial regulation is imposed and discuss several examples.

Posted on July 4th, 2023

Spatial regulation of plant hormone action

How do natural populations of plants adapt to water limitation? Here we show that they tend to be smaller: not only they lose less water in absolute values, but they are more efficient in water usage. Nice collaboration led by Carlos de Ollas and Aurelio Gómez-Cadenas at UJI.

Posted on July 10th, 2023

Plant size directly correlates with water use efficiency in Arabidopsis

Old logos



We have been awarded three grants in the latest national AEI call. Antonio will lead a study on the characterization of meristem responses under drought stress; David the participation of chaperone-like proteins during heat stress; and Miguel the evolution of light and temperature sensing in land plants.

Posted on July 17th, 2023


Big hurray for Anna Solé-Gil, the new doctor from our group. She has just defended her Thesis with nice work on Marchantia and other species, and with Selena Giménez, Sandy Hetherington and Isabel Monte in the PhD Committee.

Posted on July 28th, 2023

Origin and evolution of the C3HDZ-ACL5-SACL regulatory module in land plants