June 22, 2022.One year after his Thesis Defence, Jorge Hernández-García has been awarded one of the prizes for "Best UPV Thesis in 2021". Congratulations!!!

April 24, 2022. Anselm Morell is awarded a CDEIGENT (Generalitat Valenciana) contract to work in our group. He has a background in animal hormone biology and will carry out a project on brassinosteroid biosynthesis.

June 10, 2021. Jorge's online Thesis defence was scheduled for this day. His work on “Ancestral functions of DELLA proteins" was evaluated by Roberto Solano, Cristina Ferrándiz and François Parcy.

April 23, 2021. A new online Thesis defence, today. Cristina has presented her work on "A role for prefoldin in H2A.Z deposition in Arabidopsis". In the committee, María Jesús Cañal, María Dolores Gómez and Miguel de Lucas.

December 10, 2020. Asier's Thesis on the "Evolution of DELLA proteins as transcriptional hubs" has been defended online today. The committee was formed by Maite Sanmartím, Jean-Michel Davière and Andrea Chini.

September 1, 2020. Three new grants start today. Funding from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación was awarded to David, Javier and Miguel's research lines on "prefoldin-like proteins", "secondary growth" and "evolution of light/temperature signaling", respectively.

July 16, 2020. Noel's online Thesis defence was scheduled for this day. His work on “New mechanisms of DELLA protein regulation and activity" was evaluated by Luis Oñate, José León and Sara Farrona.

February 4, 2020. We welcome Mª Angeles Nohales, who has just been awarded a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship to work on GIGANTEA in Arabidopsis and tomato.

January 11, 2020. We welcome Bruno Catarino, our new Portuguese postdoc, who will lead a new project on the evolution of light and temperature signaling.

November 12, 2019. Javier Agusti's work on GWAS analysis of wood production has received quite some popular attention through CSIC's press release.

September 16, 2019. We welcome Javier Gallego-Bartolomé, who returns today to Valencia with a Marie Curie Fellowship. In March he will start his new contract as Ramón y Cajal Researcher, opening a new research line in the lab.

September 5, 2019. We have been awarded a Prometeo grant to groups of excellence, by the Generalitat Valenciana. We will soon introduce 'Tecnodella', in collaboration with José León, Isabel López, MD Gómez and Esther Carrera.

June 25, 2019. 1st PhD Meeting in Plant Science, 25 June 2019 in Pamplona, Spain.

One-Day Event in the framework of the XVI Spanish-Portuguese Meeting of Plant Physiology. Organized by our student Noel Blanco-Touriñán and Daniela Barro-Trastoy.

March 23, 2019. Farewell to David Esteve! After several years being part of our team, he goes back to Alicante. Good luck in all your future endeavours.  

February 21, 2019. Francesca leaves the lab after two years with us as Marie Curie Fellow. Check our gallery for pictures of her farewell party.

December 13-14, 2018. Our lab organizes the XV Symposium on Metabolism and Mode of Action of Phytohormones. The venue is the Botanical Garden of Valencia, and the meeting is sponsored by the Spanish Society of Plant Physiology. More information here.

July 6, 2018. Jorge wins the prize for best oral presentation at the XIV Reunión de Biología Molecular de Plantas in Salamanca.

June 21, 2018. Marco's paper on the effects of antibiotics has been accepted in Plant Cell Physiol. We also got the cover!!

March 20, 2018. Half of the lab travels today to Madrid, where Marco Gudiño will defend his Thesis on the effects of ß-lactam antibiotics on Arabidopsis development. The defence will take place at the School of Pharmacy in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, given that his work has been cosupervised by Federico Navarro-García. In the jury: Victor Cid, Juan Carlos del Pozo, Soledad Sacristán, Montaña Mena and Rebeca Alonso-Monge.

December 8, 2017. We are celebrating SIGNAT's workshop on "Environmental regulation of plant development" in Santiago de Chile, where Rodrigo Gutiérrez acts as local organizer. Great talks ahead by all members of the SIGNAT consortium, plust a few guests like Malcolm Bennett, Karen Halliday, Fabrice Roux, Anthony Bishopp and Claus Schwechheimer.

September 26, 2017. Fede Grau’s Thesis defence has taken place today. His work on the application of Chemical Genetics to gibberellin signaling and phosphate assimilation has been evaluated by Pilar García Agustín, Jorge Lozano and Jesús Vicente-Carbajosa.

April 28, 2017. Amelia’s Thesis defence is scheduled for this day. Her work on “Modulation of primary meristem activity by gibberellins through DELLA-TCP interaction in Arabidopsis" will be evaluated by Federico Martinelli, Jaime Martínez-García and Concha Gómez-Mena.

April 1, 2017. We welcome Francesca Resentini and Antonio Serrano-Mislata, two new postdocs funded by the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Program.

November 8, 2016. We begin today our first  2-day Lab Retreat with Ana Caño’s lab, in L’Ampolla de Mar by the Ebro river delta. Discussions on hormone signaling and plant development. And beers.

June 24, 2016. Miguel has been elected Council Member of IPGSA (International Plant Growth Substances Association) for the next two terms, in the general assembly in Toronto.

May 17-19, 2016. We have organized an International PhD School on “Environmental regulation of plant development” in Valencia, within the framework of SIGNAT, our collaborative RISE project. The classes were given by all the PIs that participate in the project, and with the contribution of Michael Neff, from Washington State University. Here is the ‘official’ group photo.

April 13-15, 2016. David and Miguel are the organizers of the XIII Spanish Workshop on Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants in Canet d’En Berenger, Valencia. Check out the nice location that we chose!

April 1, 2016. On that date, Javier Agustí has joined our Department to lead a research line including natural variation of vascular differentiation and other aspects of tissue patterning.

January 11, 2016. Lecture on “What is transgenic food?” by Miguel at the Alcazarén Cooking School in Valladolid, Spain.

July 31, 2015. We announce the workshop on “Advances in Plant Biology and Biotechnology” in Valencia next September 28-29. We co-organize it with Pedro Carrasco within the VLC/Campus - UC Berkeley - Andalucía TECH framework. More information and free registration here.

June 16, 2015. David co-chairs a session on “Emerging Topics” in the Spanish-Portuguese Bi-Annual Congress on Plant Physiology. An anonymous witness captured the event here.

May 28, 2015. One more reason for a party. Eugenio G Minguet has been awarded a 3-yr grant of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for Young Researchers to develop a rather applied project in the lab. Biotechnology at last!

March 6, 2015. Our PhD student Noel Blanco co-organizes this year’s National Congress of Biotechnology in Salamanca. BAC 2015 has just launched their website.

January 7, 2015. Lots of changes in the lab, with some of our colleagues leaving and new faces showing up. We start the new year with Cristina Marí, David Esteve, and Noel Blanco working on prefoldin; Amelia Felipo, Jorge Hernández, Rodrigo Marí and Eugenio G Minguet still on the old and dear DELLA projects; and Fede Grau on the chemical genetics approach.

January 1, 2015. We start “SIGNAT” today, a 4-yr collaborative RISE project funded by H2020. We will work with our colleagues and friends Markus Schmid (Tübingen, Germany), Christian Fankhauser (Lausanne, Switzerland), Pablo Cerdán + Marcelo Yanovsky + Jorge Casal + Javier Botto (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Rodrigo Gutiérrez (Santiago de Chile). Find out more about “SIGNAT” here.

November 19, 2014. With an astonishing 11-month delay, the Spanish Ministry of Economy has officially started funding today our new three-year BIO grant to investigate the nuclear function of the chaperonin prefoldin.

November 17, 2014. Today at noon, Juan Camilo Alvarez-Mahecha has defended his Thesis on “The control of xylem differentiation by gibberellins through DELLA-AJAX3 interaction”. Ana Caño-Delgado, Javier Sampedro and our colleague Miguel A. Pérez-Amador were in the Committee.

July 23, 2014. Mohamad Abbas has defended his Thesis on DELLAs and IAMT1 today. In the Committee: Rishikesh Bhalerao, Cristina Ferrándiz, and Juan Carlos del Pozo.

June 13, 2014. Our PhD student Mohamad Abbas was selected for an oral presentation at the XII Spanish Plant Molecular Biology Meeting in Cartagena. Here is the video of his talk on oxygen as a photomorphogenic signal.

April 29, 2014. The Valentian weekly magazine El Temps devotes an article to the funding situation of research in Valéncia and Catalunya, featuring our lab as an example. [Click here for the full article]

April 8, 2014. Our PhD student Nora Marín-de la Rosa has just defended her Thesis today, on the view of DELLAs as hubs connecting several signaling pathways. In the Committee: Claus Schwechheimer, Óscar Lorenzo and Pedro L. Rodríguez. Off she goes, in a few weeks!

February 10, 2014. Cristina Marí is awarded the rare UPV Fellowship for Doctoral Studies. Good job!! She is immediately upgraded from Master student to PhD student. Prefoldin awaits.

May 12, 2013. “Sabater Prize for Best Scientist under 34” awarded by the Spanish Society of Plant Physiology (SEFV) to Javier Gallego. Greetings and Cheers from the whole lab!

October 22, 2012. Miguel Blázquez introduces our research line and latest results as an invited speaker at the Plant Biology Lectures in Buenos Aires, Argentina, together with Xumei Chen, Ueli Grossniklaus and Craig Pikaard. Here is the nice poster of the event.

May 14, 2012. Congratulations to Javi Gallego, who was awarded by our University one of the prizes for Best Thesis of the Year!

January 1, 2012. We start the new year with a few changes in the crew: Iva finishes her term in our lab, Javi moves to San Diego as a postdoc, and Amelia starts her PhD thesis with us.

June 27, 2011. Javi Gallego defends his Thesis with Salomé Prat, José León, Eva Benkova, Roberto Solano and Christian Fankhauser in the Committee. A new PhD in the gang.

May 21, 2011. Our lab is featured in the local newspaper “Levante”. They become interested by our work on the circadian regulation of gibberellin signaling.

March 8, 2011. Francisco Vera becomes a PhD after a great job in his Thesis defence. Roberto Rodríguez, Mª Rosa Ponce, Encarnación Martínez, Pedro Carrasco and Alejandro Ferrando were the Committee members.

January 21, 2011. Our lab takes part in the organization of this year’s Congress of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology (SEFV 2011) which will be held this June in Castellón. It is a joint meeting with the Portuguese Society of Plant Physiology.

November 10, 2010. We are on a streak. New grant for three years: a collaborative project with Pablo Cerdán In the Fundación Leloir (Buenos Aires, Argentina), to study “light and hormone crosstalk with a chemical genomics approach”.

September 29, 2010. We have been officially awarded a new BIO grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science. This is funding for the next three years. In return we have to learn something about “Context-dependent gibberellin signaling in Arabidopsis”. Part of the work is in collaboration with Jan Lohmann in the University of Heidelberg.

September 10, 2010. Two new members join our lab coming from overseas. Juan Camilo brings the swing from Colombia, and Mohamad adds the flavour from Lebanon.

June 23, 2010. The chemical genomics initiative Chemiplanta is launched. We will use chemical genetics to identify chemical compounds with potentially new biological activities useful in Agriculture. The project is funded by a Prometeo grant from the Generalitat Valenciana, and it involves a collaboration with Pablo Vera and José León labs in our Institute.

January 2, 2010. Our lab takes part in the organization of two meetings this year, which will take place this July in Valencia. FESPB 2010 is an international congress organized every other year and focuses on recent advances on Plant Physiology. The second one, X RBMP, is a national reference for Spanish plant molecular biologists.

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